The Herb Society of South Australia was formed in 1977 to promote the study of growth, history and use of herbs. It is open to all people interested in herbs and their uses.
Everyone is welcome to join, attend meetings, become involved with specific groups such as the ‘Seed Savers’, specialise in specific plants such as salvias, help with our garden maintenance programmes at various gardens, and come on our Tagalong tours throughout the state. We are an active and involved group – interested? – check out the calendar of events for more information and activities, and come along to meet other keen enthusiasts.
Members of the Herb Society of South Australia Inc support & maintain the Herb & Salvia Garden – Findon Community Centre, 222 Findon Rd, Findon
Monthly Meetings
Held on the first Monday of the month from 7:00pm for a 7:30pm start, from February to November
Each meeting includes – what to do in the garden this month. – member’s problems – questions and answers – basket supper. Most meetings have a guest speaker on herb and garden related subjects.
Refer to the Calendar of Events for more detail
The Findon Community Centre,
222 Findon Road
Findon SA 5023
April Monthly Meeting
Monday 7th April 2025 – 7:30pm
Guest Speaker: Peter Hemmings, Provenance Indigenous Plants
Speaking on a Special Project Work in Africa.
May Monthly Meeting
Monday 5th May 2025 – 7:30pm
Guest Speaker: Mondees Bees
A talk on bees and beekeeping by Monika, a local beekeeper.

Propagation Day
Sunday, April 13th 2025, 2pm to 4pm
Tour the Herb Garden and learn how to
propagate herbs and salvias.
Materials provided.
Bring your own secateurs if you have some

Autumn Salvia Sale
Sunday, April 27th 2025, 8:30am to 12 Noon
100’s of potted salvias for sale.
Best selection in Adelaide.
Free admission and parking

Herb Day Market
Sunday November 2nd 2025, 10am to 2pm
100’s of potted herbs and salvias for sale.
Seeds, books, raffle.
Light refreshments available.